• TERIOS Wireless Controllers Compatible with Play-station 4 Game Controllers for PS-4 Pro, PS-4 Slim-Built-in Speaker - Stereo Headset Jack Multitouch
  • TERIOS Wireless Controllers Compatible with Play-station 4 Game Controllers for PS-4 Pro, PS-4 Slim-Built-in Speaker - Stereo Headset Jack Multitouch
  • TERIOS Wireless Controllers Compatible with Play-station 4 Game Controllers for PS-4 Pro, PS-4 Slim-Built-in Speaker - Stereo Headset Jack Multitouch
  • TERIOS Wireless Controllers Compatible with Play-station 4 Game Controllers for PS-4 Pro, PS-4 Slim-Built-in Speaker - Stereo Headset Jack Multitouch
TERIOS Wireless Controllers Compatible with Play-station 4 Game Controllers for PS-4 Pro, PS-4 Slim-Built-in Speaker - Stereo Headset Jack Multitouch
  • 当日発送
  • 送料無料

TERIOS Wireless Controllers Compatible with Play-station 4 Game Controllers for PS-4 Pro, PS-4 Slim-Built-in Speaker - Stereo Headset Jack Multitouch


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TERIOS Wireless Controllers Compatible with Play-station 4 Game Controllers for PS-4 Pro, PS-4 Slim-Built-in Speaker - Stereo Headset Jack Multitouch
TERIOS Wireless Controllers Compatible with Play-station 4 Game Controllers for PS-4 Pro, PS-4 Slim-Built-in Speaker - Stereo Headset Jack Multitouch
販売価格:¥6160.00 税込


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    • WHAT YOU NEED: As a top gamer, you need high-tech and performant gadgets so that you can become the absolute best. That is why we have designed the premium TERIOS 5S wireless gaming controller, the only joystick you will ever want to use again.
    • PINPOINT ACCURACY: The ergonomic design of our TERIOS wireless controller was specially designed to ensure perfect control and execution. Its analog sticks and trigger buttons provide pinpoint accuracy and comfort, with enhanced sensitivity that will help you maneuver the gaming remote. Besides, with unique Turbo feature, you can win faster than ever.
    • A NEW EXPERIENCE: Why do gamers swear by the TERIOS 5S dual shock controller? Because it has a built-in speaker and stereo headset jack, allowing you to experience your favorite games in a whole new dimension. The wireless controller is compatible with PS-4/PS-4 Pro/PS-4 Slim and perfect for all of your favorite games.
    • NO DISTRACTIONS: One of the coolest parts about this TERIOS controller is that it has a center multitouch pad that extends your gaming possibilities as well as a share button that lets you live-stream your game without pausing your session. To top it all off, the wireless controller has an 12 hours autonomy and is USB chargeable.
    • CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: We are certain that the Bluetooth game controller will change your gaming experience forever, the only joystick you will ever want to use again. Because you are our number 1 priority, we are offering premium customer support and a 1-year for a risk-free purchase.
    説明: The premium Terios gaming controller is a must-have for real players. With built-in speakers that enhance the gaming experience and a multifunctional touchpad that allows you to simplify difficult controls. The ergonomic design perfectly with soft grip and trigger buttons provide pinpoint accuracy and comfort. Some of the amazing features of this product: The Terios controller is the perfect addition to your PS 4 gaming set Compatible with PS 4/PS 4 Pro/PS 4 Slim Ergonomic and comfortable design Wireless joystick with 8 h autonomy 33 ft wireless distance Stable wireless connection with no delays, lags or interruptions Can use the console across the room from the actual console Integrated built-in speakers and stereo headset jack Performant analog sticks & trigger buttons for enhanced accuracy Multitouch pad Bluetooth 2.1 connection Share button for streaming with no pausing required Size: 160 x 110 x 65-mm 60 min charging time The pack includes: 1 x TERIOS controller 1 x USB cable 1 x User’s manual Take your gaming to the next level with the Terios wireless controller!
    カテゴリー: ゲーム用コントローラー
    メーカー: TERIOS
    ブランド: TERIOS
    高さ: 13.4 センチ
    幅: 12.3 センチ
    奥行: 7.0 センチ
    重量: 0.3 Kg


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    使用前ですが到着してすぐ開封した付属のメガネケースがとても臭くて、使う気になりません。 ケースは買い替えて、使おうと思います。

    • rokuta7222
    • クチコミ投稿 1件



    • 介護12
    • クチコミ投稿 1件



    • 楽楽1129
    • クチコミ投稿 1件


    非常に高品質です。 安く買えました。 コスパ高いです。

    • miyasho1959
    • クチコミ投稿 1件



    • non12163446
    • クチコミ投稿 1件


    少しでもつわりが良くなればと思い、注文しました。 ベルトが少しきついようで、ずっとつけていると痛くなると言ってます。 つわりによる気持ち悪さが軽減されたかは分からないですが、気持ち悪いときには必ず着けてくれてます。

    • ペコちゃん5599
    • クチコミ投稿 1件



    • 怜ママさん
    • クチコミ投稿 1件



    • へいあこ
    • クチコミ投稿 1件


    いろんなタイプのを今まで買いましたがこれはデザインよくて綺麗な作りで1番のお気に入りになりました。 他の色も購入したいと思ってます(^^)

    • ゆうやけこやけの70
    • クチコミ投稿 1件


    色で随分悩みましたが…レッドにして正解でした。 軽くて、可愛い!! 料理が楽しくなります。少しずつ揃えていきたいと思います。

    • nagikoha
    • クチコミ投稿 1件


    屋内用、外出用のどちらにも使えて重宝してます。収納袋も付いているので持ち歩きも可能。これさえ持っていれば、まさに「どこでもブーツ」です。ただ、ゴムの留め具が甘いとずれ落ちてくる可能性があるので、そこだけが 星マイナス1の不安材料です。

    • ciaco-mama
    • クチコミ投稿 1件


    可愛くて、おしゃれで、とても気に入っています。 追加注文をしたいと思っているところです。

    • カルロス0525
    • クチコミ投稿 1件



    • xitakasix
    • クチコミ投稿 1件

